Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Looks awesome!

I saw this today from Sephora's Twitter timeline & I think it looks awesome! I have never seen it before & wasn't sure how it worked so I clicked on the link: http://www.sephora.com/fishnet-magnetic-polish-P311904

And apparently in the lid there is a magnet. So it says to put on a base coat of it, wait for it to dry & then put on a 2nd coat one nail at a time. Paint your 2nd coat & hold the lid of the paint over your nail for a few seconds, not touching your nail & it'll pull the polish with the magnet & make this pattern! Too cool!

It come in Gold, Silver & Green. I personally like the silver/black combo best. It's a little bit pricey, it's $16/bottle.  But I think worth it. Besides, it's not like you're only going to use it once, unless you don't like it but you could really get a lot of times out of it! Yes, I am going to order myself a bottle.  There is also another one that is lines, but I thought this looked cooler!

Below I put the instructions from Sephora's website!

Suggested Usage:
-Apply one coat of Kensington Caviar base coat.
-Pull off outer cap of magnetic polish and set to one side.
-Using the inner cap, apply one coat of magnetic polish to all 10 nails. Leave to dry for 2-3 minutes.
-Apply a second thick coat of magnetic polish to one nail. Immediately hold the magnet (built into the outer cap) over the nail while the polish is still wet.
-Hold the lip in the cap just below your cuticle to position the magnet over the nail.
-Hold the magnet very close to the nail but do not touch the nail.
-Remove magnet after a few seconds to reveal the design.
-Repeat above on all nails, one nail at a time.
-Finish with one coat of Kensington Caviar Top Coa

Monday, July 2, 2012

4th of July Eats!

The 4th of July is just around the corner...well it's not around the corner...it's down the hall & the first door on the left...(inside Joke, Biggs gets it).  Haha! I know a lot of you probably have BBQ's to go to sometime this week & this is a dish i'm going to make on the 4th for a BBQ.  And I don't think you could ask anyone if they don't like fries...right?  These are more like potato wedges, but they are super simple & super delicious!  I'm not really sure how they'd travel...cuz i've only made them at the place i'm going to serve them...I guess they'd do ok if it wasn't too long of trip cuz they might loose their crispiness being covered...but then they'd get cold if you didn't cover them.  So...I dunno.  But here's the recipe & they go great w/almost anything!  I'll give you a few more tips at the end of this post...so read the whole thing!!!

Oven Baked Fries

1 Large Baking Potato
1 Tbsp. Olive Oil
1/2 tsp. Paprika
1/2 tsp. Garlic Powder
1/2 tsp. Chili Powder
1/2 tsp. Onion Powder

Preheat oven to 450.  Cut potato into wedges.  Mix all other ingredients together.  Toss with potato to coat evenly.  Place on baking sheet in a single layer.  Bake for 45 minutes in a preheated oven.

Super easy right?  So, this is only for a single serving maybe 2, but you can adjust accordingly.  If you're like me, I don't measure anything...unless baking.  I just throw in abouts so measurements don't really mean too much to me.  For me, it's all about personal preference.  I also don't always follow ingredient directions & sometimes I add stuff just to see how it works out or if it improves a recipe.  For instance, in this recipe, I have previously just did Garlic Salt & Parmesan Cheese.  Or you could really swap out any of these ingredients for other spices that you might like better.  I also use canola oil instead of olive, just cuz that's what I prefer.  You could add some heat with some cayenne or red pepper flakes or go more middle eastern & use something like 5 spice.  Whatevs, that's what cooking is all about...trying out new things.  Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't.

Thanks guys! And have a happy safe holiday! :)